
fake news

In Taiwan, Battling Fake News One Conversation at a Time — With a Focus on Seniors

In Taiwan, Battling Fake News One Conversation at a Time — With a Focus on Seniors

By Huizhong Wu
Fake News Cleaner has hosted more than 500 events in six years, connecting with college students, elementary-school children, and the seniors that, some say, are the most vulnerable to disinformation.
Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

Russian Fake News Targets Kazakhstan Over Supposed Bioweapons

By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
Russian Telegram channels linked Kazakhstan to conspiracy theories about U.S. bioweapons in Ukraine. 

US Bioweapons Story Reignites Concerns About Disinformation in Taiwan

US Bioweapons Story Reignites Concerns About Disinformation in Taiwan

By Brian Hioe
A UDN story alleged that the U.S. government had requested that Taiwan engage in bioweapon development.

The Future of Asia’s Battle Against Online Misinformation

The Future of Asia’s Battle Against Online Misinformation

By Jeff Paine
Blunt “fake news” legislation is open to easy abuse. There are other good options for tackling the complex problem of misinformation. 

Amid COVID-19, Fake News Crackdowns Do Damage Across Southeast Asia

Amid COVID-19, Fake News Crackdowns Do Damage Across Southeast Asia

By Karen Lee and Andreyka Natalegawa
Multiple governments in the region have used misinformation laws to suppress critical reporting on COVID-19.
Are We Fighting the Last Infowar?

Are We Fighting the Last Infowar?

By Jacob Parakilas
A narrow focus on the style of disinformation used in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign risks overlooking other potential threats.

Philippine President Targets Facebook for Taking Down Fake Accounts

Philippine President Targets Facebook for Taking Down Fake Accounts

By Sebastian Strangio
After cannily manipulating Facebook in his campaign for the presidency, Rodrigo Duterte is intimating that he might shut the social network down.
Kazakh Activist’s ‘Fake News’ Conviction Upheld

Kazakh Activist’s ‘Fake News’ Conviction Upheld

By Catherine Putz
What concerns the Kazakh government isn’t “fake news” but its own fear that incompetence, pointed out, will undermine the current power structures.

Central Asian States Take on ‘False Information’

Central Asian States Take on ‘False Information’

By Catherine Putz
Laws put in place to support the fight against COVID-19 by targeting false information are easily abused to crack down on negative opinions and dissent.

New Test for Singapore’s Fake News Law

New Test for Singapore’s Fake News Law

By Erin Cook
A Malaysian NGO is challenging Singapore's claim to enforce its definition of “fake news” abroad.

Singapore’s Foreign Interference Challenge in the Spotlight

Singapore’s Foreign Interference Challenge in the Spotlight

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country continues to mull ways to counter a challenge that has been receiving wider international attention over the past few years.
Taiwan President Sues Scholars for Alleging Her Doctorate Degree is Fake

Taiwan President Sues Scholars for Alleging Her Doctorate Degree is Fake

By Nick Aspinwall
Tsai Ing-wen is taking legal action against unsubstantiated questioning of the veracity of her diploma as she heads into her bid for re-election.

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