fall of Kabul

Backing the Wrong Horses: American Blowback From Vietnam to Afghanistan
By Rizal Ramli
Washington has repeatedly intervened in other nations, with ostensibly good intentions. Yet it has achieved none of its purported foreign policy goals.

Afghanistan: Lessons From Cambodia
By Youk Chhang
There have been many references to the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam as an important historical analogy for today’s Afghanistan. A better analogy is Cambodia.

The Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan: Who Is Really to Blame?
By Rajeev Agarwal
The U.S. is far from blameless, but it is not solely responsible for the Taliban's rapid takeover.

Containing the Taliban after America’s Defeat
By Mark S. Cogan and Paul D. Scott
Western nations should swiftly move to restrict the space, capability, authority of the new Taliban regime in Kabul.

Pakistan-China Relations and the Fall of Afghanistan
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Elizabeth Threlkeld.

The Fall of Afghanistan Echoes in Myanmar
By Naw Theresa
The opposing sides of Myanmar’s political crisis are projecting their own fantasies onto the fall of Kabul.

What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for New Zealand
By Geoffrey Miller
What unfolds in Kabul could have far-reaching implications for New Zealand’s geopolitical position.

The Taliban, 9/11 and An American Evacuation
By Luke Hunt
A conversation about the last 20 years in Afghanistan.

Afghan Lives Matter: What Price Would Afghans Have to Pay for Peace?
By Ritu Mahendru
“They have handed our country the way you hand over a book or a bottle of water... We were happy for the war to end, but we didn’t expect the end to be like this.”

Can America’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Help Its China Strategy?
By Dingding Chen and You Wang
Despite the intention to refocus U.S. energy and attention on the Asia-Pacific, difficult questions remain as to the benefits for U.S. China policy.

In Biden’s ‘America First’ Lite, Allies and Partners Come Second
By William Choong
After the fall of Kabul, there will be an element of doubt surrounding U.S. commitments in the Indo-Pacific.

What Does the Taliban Takeover Mean for Violent Extremism in Indonesia?
By Cameron Sumpter
The impact of Taliban rule on the country's security situation is unclear, but is likely to be less marked than in the 1980s and 1990s.