
Federally Administered Tribal Areas

The Growing Ambitions of the Pakistani Taliban

The Growing Ambitions of the Pakistani Taliban

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Newly empowered and emboldened, the TTP dreams of following in the Afghan Taliban’s footsteps by carving out its own emirate – this time on Pakistani soil.
How Can Islamabad Further Isolate the Pakistani Taliban?

How Can Islamabad Further Isolate the Pakistani Taliban?

By Umair Jamal
Pakistan has a chance to isolate the militant group if the country decides to completely support the Afghan peace process.

Understanding the Realpolitik Behind Pakistan's FATA-KP Provincial Merger

Understanding the Realpolitik Behind Pakistan's FATA-KP Provincial Merger

By Umair Jamal
Why did a long-proposed idea to unite FATA and KP finally come to fruition now, in 2018?

Pakistan’s ‘FATA Spring’

Pakistan’s ‘FATA Spring’

By Daud Khattak
Protests in Pakistan's tribal areas signal the rise of a younger, more educated, and technologically savvy generation.

Pakistan’s Troubled Frontier Justice

Pakistan’s Troubled Frontier Justice

By Shah Meer Baloch
Opposition is growing to the outdated colonial law governing Pakistan's tribal areas.
Pakistan's Jirgas and Women's Rights

Pakistan's Jirgas and Women's Rights

By Basit Mahmood
Pakistan's move to legitimize jirga justice will have dire consequences for the country's women.

Pakistan's National Security Adviser on Counterterrorism

Pakistan's National Security Adviser on Counterterrorism

By Zeeshan Salahuddin
Lt. Gen. Janjua speaks about his strategy and his views on current progress in Pakistan’s fight on terror.
 ‘Collective Punishment’ in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

 ‘Collective Punishment’ in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

By Farooq Yousaf
Entire villages must pay the cost for insurgent activities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

Bridging the Pashtun Divide

By Aziz Amin Ahmadzai and Mona Naseer
Pashtuns on both sides of the Durand Line need to display a little more empathy towards each other.

The State of Terrorism in Pakistan

The State of Terrorism in Pakistan

By Daniele Grassi
Operation Zarb-e-Azb accelerated TTP fracturing, but must face radicalization from forces like the Islamic State.

Pakistan Launches Decisive Battle Against Terrorism

Pakistan Launches Decisive Battle Against Terrorism

By Deedar Hussain Samejo
The government and the military must institute a comprehensive policy to eliminate terrorism root and branch.
The Drone Strike Narrative in Pakistan

The Drone Strike Narrative in Pakistan

By Farooq Yousaf
The discourse surrounding drone strikes in the FATA region has always been complex.

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