
First Nations

Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

By Grant Wyeth
Rather than understand the responsibility Australia has for its Indigenous population, both the Liberal and National parties sensed political opportunity in opposing the Voice. 

Australians Vote on a Voice for First Nations Peoples

Australians Vote on a Voice for First Nations Peoples

By Dechlan Brennan
Although the referendum’s suggested change would be small, the campaign against it has grown on the back of misinformation, lies, and a deep well of racism. Supporters are preparing for it to fail.
Australia Moves Toward Vote on a Voice for First Nations People

Australia Moves Toward Vote on a Voice for First Nations People

By Grant Wyeth
No date has been announced for the referendum yet, but the decision has critical ramifications not just for First Nations people in Australia but Canberra’s international reputation.

Bail Law Reform Urgently Needed in Victoria to Stem Deaths in Custody

Bail Law Reform Urgently Needed in Victoria to Stem Deaths in Custody

By Dechlan Brennan
Veronica Nelson, who died in police custody in 2020 after being denied bail, was subject to “cruel and degrading treatment,” a coroner's report concluded.

Australia Aims for an Ambassador for First Nations People

Australia Aims for an Ambassador for First Nations People

By Melissa Conley Tyler and Grant Wyeth
The new government is fulfilling its election commitment to establish a First Nations Foreign Policy. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Country and the Blue Pacific: A Necessary Readjustment of Australian Foreign Policy

Country and the Blue Pacific: A Necessary Readjustment of Australian Foreign Policy

By Grant Wyeth
There is opportunity for First Nations peoples to play a far greater role in Australia’s foreign policy.

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