

South Asia Floods Displace Millions, Kill 550

South Asia Floods Displace Millions, Kill 550

By Associated Press
Close to a third of Bangladesh has already been flooded, with more flooding expected in the coming weeks. 

Jakarta Floods: Yet Another Reminder of Indonesia’s Capital Woes?

Jakarta Floods: Yet Another Reminder of Indonesia’s Capital Woes?

By Luke Hunt
The recent incident once again highlighted the woes facing the capital city amid plans to shift it.
Indonesia Continues to Mull Plan to Abandon Jakarta for New Capital

Indonesia Continues to Mull Plan to Abandon Jakarta for New Capital

By Associated Press
Discussion on the move continues despite the significant challenges that remain.

Asia’s Risky Cities

Asia’s Risky Cities

By Anthony Fensom
Some of the most at-risk cities in the world can be found in Asia, according to one report.

Mudslides Make a Mess in Central Asia

Mudslides Make a Mess in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
Higher than average temperatures have led to increased glacial melt and dangerous mudslides across the region.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Climate Change and the Pacific Islands

Climate Change and the Pacific Islands

By Eileen Natuzzi
How Solomon Islands could serve as a model for protecting small Pacific Island nations from the effects of climate change.

Can Thailand Avoid Becoming a Modern-Day Atlantis?

Can Thailand Avoid Becoming a Modern-Day Atlantis?

Last year, Thailand suffered historic floods. Forecasts suggest parts of the capital could be underwater by 2030. Is the country prepared?

Thailand’s Turbulent Year

Thailand’s Turbulent Year

Thailand saw flooding, criticism over its lese majeste laws and its first female premier. Its been turbulent year.

Thailand’s Turbulent Year

Thailand’s Turbulent Year

Thailand saw flooding, criticism over its lese majeste laws and its first female premier. Its been turbulent year.

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