
Free Papua Movement

Could the Papua Hostage Situation Have Been Prevented?

Could the Papua Hostage Situation Have Been Prevented?

By Aprila Wayar
As the hostage-taking of New Zealand pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens enters its sixth consecutive month, his whereabouts in eastern Indonesia remain unknown.

Indonesia Confirms 3 More Troops Killed in Papua Ambush

Indonesia Confirms 3 More Troops Killed in Papua Ambush

By Sebastian Strangio
The attack came as a unit of soldiers attempted to search for a New Zealand pilot captured by Papuan separatists in February.
Papuan Separatists Ambush Indonesian Forces Searching for Kidnapped Pilot

Papuan Separatists Ambush Indonesian Forces Searching for Kidnapped Pilot

By Sebastian Strangio
In addition to one confirmed death, nine soldiers have reportedly been taken hostage by separatist rebels.

Indonesia’s New Plans for Papua Can’t Hide Its Decades of Failures

Indonesia’s New Plans for Papua Can’t Hide Its Decades of Failures

By Aprila Wayar and Johnny Blades
A plan to create three new provinces in the Papua region highlights how Jakarta's development approach has failed to resolve a long-running conflict.

Indonesia and the Papua Issue: Resolution Increasingly Unlikely

Indonesia and the Papua Issue: Resolution Increasingly Unlikely

By Uday Bakhshi
With a more violent armed separatist organization being active, and Jakarta’s reticence to win hearts and minds, the avenues for reconciliation are decreasing.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Indonesian Soldiers Killed During Papuan Separatist Raid

Indonesian Soldiers Killed During Papuan Separatist Raid

By Sebastian Strangio
The attack, which claimed the lives of four soldiers, was the deadliest to have taken place in the region this year.

In Papua Fighting, Indonesian Forces Claim Rebel Commander Killed

In Papua Fighting, Indonesian Forces Claim Rebel Commander Killed

By Sebastian Strangio
The reports follows Indonesian government promises of a crackdown on separatist fighters in the eastern region.
Amid Crackdown, Indonesia Arrests Papuan Independence Leader

Amid Crackdown, Indonesia Arrests Papuan Independence Leader

By Sebastian Strangio
Victor Yeimo stands accused of organizing the wave of violent pro-independence protests that hit the region in August 2019.

Indonesia Deploys Forces to Troubled Papua Region

Indonesia Deploys Forces to Troubled Papua Region

By Sebastian Strangio
The uneasy region seems set for another cycle of military crackdowns and separatist counter-attacks.

The Implications of the Worsening Security Situation in Papua

The Implications of the Worsening Security Situation in Papua

By Bilveer Singh
The recent killing of an Indonesian brigadier general heralds an intensification of the conflict in eastern Indonesia.

Indonesian Police: Clash in Papua Killed 5 Rebels, 1 Police Officer

Indonesian Police: Clash in Papua Killed 5 Rebels, 1 Police Officer

By Alfian Kartono
Attacks by rebels in several districts in Papua have increased over the past year.
In Exile, an Icon of the West Papuan Independence Struggle Fades

In Exile, an Icon of the West Papuan Independence Struggle Fades

By Leon Langdon
Benny Wenda has been a fierce advocate for the West Papuan cause. Why is it, then, that the proclamation of his presidency has been met with marked skepticism within West Papua?

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