Freedom of navigation operations

An Arms Race in Southeast Asia?
By Koh Swee Lean Collin
Yes, Southeast Asian states are bulking up their militaries – but that doesn’t necessarily translate to an arms race.

China's 'Red Line' Warning to Japan on South China Sea FONOPs Is Here to Stay
By Ankit Panda
Beijing does not dispute reports that its envoy to Tokyo drew a "red line" for Japan in the South China Sea.

How the US Misjudged the South China Sea, Part I
By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
A look at the U.S. position and policy, and why it failed to produce the desired response.

Can China and the US Agree on Freedom of Navigation?
By Zhou Bo
Sino-U.S. cooperation on freedom of navigation is possible when it is not at the cost of the security of the other side.

China Hardens Position on South China Sea
By Xie Yanmei
Beijing has moved to clarify its position, but in a direction that could cause more friction.

The South China Sea Award Is Finally Here: What Happens Now?
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran discuss the outcome of the South China Sea arbitration case.

Do the Obama Administration and PACOM Disagree on the South China Sea?
By Robert Farley
And does it really matter if they do?

South China Sea FONOP No. 3: Coming Soon?
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Navy may conduct its third freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea since China started building artificial islands.

South China Sea and Freedom of Navigation
By Jonathan G. Odom
Taking a closer look at the freedom of navigation “myth”

India and the South China Sea Dispute
By Abhijit Singh
Recent developments have operational implications for India.

Are Freedom of Navigation Operations and Innocent Passage Really the Same?
By Joseph A. Bosco
In all the ways that matter, FONOPS and innocent passage are different animals.

FONOPs to Preserve the Right of Innocent Passage?
By Jonathan G. Odom
Despite popular misconception, that is hardly mission impossible.