future of war

Will a ‘Digital Military’ Change War?
By Jacob Parakilas
The U.S. Space Force claims that it is in the process of delivering a “digital military branch.” Is it a contradiction in terms?

Reimagining the Future of China-US Competition
By Jacob Parakilas
How governments imagine the future – including the future of war – shapes their responses and planning in the present.

Emerging Military Technologies and a Future Taiwan Strait Conflict
By Ankit Panda
How will changes in military technology bear on a potential near-future U.S.-China conflict?

UFOs, Secrets, and Signaling
By Jacob Parakilas
Are we being visited by aliens, or are we learning something about military secrecy?

Are Augmented Humans the Future of War?
By Jacob Parakilas
It is easy to advocate an outright ban on “supersoldiers.” But augmentation has been around in one form or other for a long time – in life and war alike.

The Coming Age of Strategic Annoyance
By Jacob Parakilas
Small drones, used unpredictably, could conceivably force defenders to adopt a wearying posture of constant readiness and uncertainty.

Welcome to the Fog of More
By Jacob Parakilas
There’s a deeper problem with how we perceive the world than misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda: it’s that we expect that big data means better understanding.

Robot Dogs to Have Their Day — on Florida Base
By Abhijnan Rej
The Tyndall Air Force Base inducted semi-autonomous robotic patrol dogs in base security role in the third week of March.

What Would Technology for Peace Actually Look Like?
By Jacob Parakilas
Defense technology columns spend a lot of time looking at how emerging technology will shape the future of war. Could technology reshape peace as well?

What’s Missing in the New Cold War Stories?
By Jacob Parakilas
Many are warning of how China might win a war with the U.S. But they play down the much more likely way the two could damage each other’s interests.

US Defense Secretary Notes Climate Change Focus in Message to Force
By Abhijnan Rej
Lloyd Austin’s message foregrounds one of the key priorities of the Biden administration for the military.

Is an “Alliance of Alliances” Around AI Feasible?
By Jacob Parakilas
The newly released final report of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is rich in recommendations. But operationalizing them may be trickier.
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