
Gender-based violence

Tajikistan’s Epidemic of Domestic Violence Against Women

Tajikistan’s Epidemic of Domestic Violence Against Women

By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
At the highest level, the problem lies unaddressed: powerful representatives of state bodies have failed to strongly and publicly condemn domestic violence.
Afghan Women’s Woes: Beyond and Before the Taliban

Afghan Women’s Woes: Beyond and Before the Taliban

By Freshta Jalalzai
Even under the previous government, horrific cases of violence against women occurred with startling frequency.

Why Do Central Asian Governments Keep Failing the Region’s Women?

Why Do Central Asian Governments Keep Failing the Region’s Women?

By Catherine Putz
Women in Central Asia “feel unsafe everywhere,” says Svetlana Dzardanova, with recent horrific attacks drawing attention again to a very old problem. 

Women, Peace, and Security in the Pacific

Women, Peace, and Security in the Pacific

By Heather Wrathall and Elizabeth Kopel
The Pacific Islands region is not immune to the scourge of gender-based violence, an insidious form of social instability with much wider implications.

Civil Society Activists Launch Campaign Against ‘Culture of Violence’ in Tashkent

Civil Society Activists Launch Campaign Against ‘Culture of Violence’ in Tashkent

By Niginakhon Saida
With the support of the country’s mass media foundation, local civil society activists are trying to instill the message that violence against women is not innate to Uzbek culture.
2 Women Still Hospitalized After Brutal Attack in Tangshan

2 Women Still Hospitalized After Brutal Attack in Tangshan

By Associated Press
A horrific assault caught on security camera footage sparked widespread outrage over misogyny and violence against women in China.

Southeast Asia Must Be Wary of Gendered Cyber Abuse

Southeast Asia Must Be Wary of Gendered Cyber Abuse

By Yasmine Wong and Gulizar Haciyakupoglu
Digital abuse has real world consequences for victims – especially as new technologies blur the distinction between virtual spaces and reality.
Pakistan’s Problem With Violence Against Women Is Growing Impossible to Ignore

Pakistan’s Problem With Violence Against Women Is Growing Impossible to Ignore

By Somaiyah Hafeez
Pakistan witnessed several cases of gender-based violence within the month of July, shedding light on the deplorable state of women’s rights in the country.

How Pakistan Failed Its Women

How Pakistan Failed Its Women

By Nushmiya Sukhera
Gender-based violence in Pakistan – including the latest horrific murder in Islamabad – is a product of the government’s failure to act.

The Nordic Paradox in Australia: Women’s Advancement and Male Resentment

The Nordic Paradox in Australia: Women’s Advancement and Male Resentment

By Grant Wyeth
Male resentment and status anxiety are globally destabilizing forces.

#MeToo Reckoning Continues in China and Hong Kong

#MeToo Reckoning Continues in China and Hong Kong

By Jessie Lau
As China held a hearing on a #MeToo icon’s case, Hong Kong was grappling with its biggest sexual harassment scandal yet.
How to Enforce COVID-19 Emergency Measures Without Putting Women at Risk

How to Enforce COVID-19 Emergency Measures Without Putting Women at Risk

By Carla Silbert
The security forces policing Asia’s COVID-19 response measures must show greater sensitivity to women’s specific rights and needs.

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