Gender Inequality

Where Does Gender Equality Fit Into Australia’s Development Policy?
By Grant Wyeth
Clearly articulating gender-based violence as the world’s primary security problem is necessary to properly address it.

Gender Inequality Makes South Korea Poorer
By Troy Stangarone
It’s in South Korea’s economic interest to continue to work toward greater gender parity.

Closing The Gap: Asia’s Slow Progress on Equality
By Anthony Fensom
Gender equality remains a distant pursuit for much of the Asia-Pacific region, despite the economic and social benefits.

Women: The Economic Saviors of Japan?
By Emily S Chen
Abe’s plans for womenomics is likely to run into some stubborn realities.

India Faces Girl Problem, Again
The case of Afreen, allegedly killed for being a girl, has shocked India. But shock and no action is useless.
Getting Over India’s Gender Bias
Isn’t it time to stop judging female politicians solely on what they do to improve the status of women in India?
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