

Is Anti-CPP Pro-Khmer Rouge? An Open Letter to Cambodia’s Justice Minister

Is Anti-CPP Pro-Khmer Rouge? An Open Letter to Cambodia’s Justice Minister

By David Hutt
The Cambodian government still hasn't offered a convincing explanation for why it is outlawing the "denial" of Khmer Rouge atrocities.
Erasing Memories, Concealing Evidence: China’s Efforts to Obscure the Uyghur Genocide

Erasing Memories, Concealing Evidence: China’s Efforts to Obscure the Uyghur Genocide

By Mamtimin Ala
The Uyghur genocide is gradually and silently fading away, as if it never occurred in the first place. 

Indonesia’s Papua Region at Risk of Mass Violence, Report Claims

Indonesia’s Papua Region at Risk of Mass Violence, Report Claims

By Sebastian Strangio
The Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide claims that the region bears many of the structural risk factors associated with past mass atrocities.

The Changing Face of Genocide: From Mass Death to Mass Trauma

The Changing Face of Genocide: From Mass Death to Mass Trauma

By Esther Brito
Learning from a long history of global inaction, regimes are pursuing a new form of genocide, as seen in campaigns against the Rohingya, the Uyghurs, and others.

The US Says Myanmar Committed Genocide in Assaults on Rohingya

The US Says Myanmar Committed Genocide in Assaults on Rohingya

By Sebastian Strangio
The declaration is long overdue, but accountability for Myanmar's military remains a long way off.
Why the US Should Recognize the Rohingya Genocide

Why the US Should Recognize the Rohingya Genocide

By Michael P. Scharf, Paul R. Williams, and Milena Sterio
The Biden administration has a chance to reassert the United States’ moral authority on human rights.

UN Court Orders Myanmar to Prevent Rohingya Genocide

UN Court Orders Myanmar to Prevent Rohingya Genocide

By Associated Press
The court delivered a sweeping legal victory for the persecuted Muslim minority.
Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge: Between Justice and Memory

Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge: Between Justice and Memory

By Luke Hunt
While justice remains elusive, efforts to document what occurred during the period offer more encouragement.  

A Decade Without Justice for Sri Lanka’s Tamils

A Decade Without Justice for Sri Lanka’s Tamils

By Anjali Manivannan
May 18 is an important reminder that while the country’s armed conflict may have ended, the search for elusive justice continues.

Facebook Waking Up to Genocide in Myanmar

Facebook Waking Up to Genocide in Myanmar

By Eric Paulsen
How many more will die before social media giants wake up and realize they have been complicit by failing to act?

Are the Rohingya Facing Genocide?

Are the Rohingya Facing Genocide?

By George Wright
A single word; the most heinous of crimes.
Myanmar's Rohingya Crackdown 'Crimes Against Humanity': Top UN Official

Myanmar's Rohingya Crackdown 'Crimes Against Humanity': Top UN Official

By Luke Hunt
Rapporteur says Aung San Suu Kyi must answer for atrocities.

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