
Global Britain

Why ‘Global Britain’ Will Prove a Welcome Partner for Southeast Asia

Why ‘Global Britain’ Will Prove a Welcome Partner for Southeast Asia

By Imran Said
Whitehall’s strategy of engaging ASEAN has been a notable, though unheralded, post-Brexit success story.
The Indo-Pacific Exposes the Regionalisms of ‘Global’ Britain

The Indo-Pacific Exposes the Regionalisms of ‘Global’ Britain

By Oliver Turner and Luke Stephens
While Global Britain is touted as an opportunity to “shape the world of the future,” it is heavily reliant on ties to the past.

ASEAN Grants United Kingdom ‘Dialogue Partner’ Status

ASEAN Grants United Kingdom ‘Dialogue Partner’ Status

By Sebastian Strangio
The announcement represents a strong regional vote of support for London’s post-Brexit engagement with Asia.

Global Britain: Why the United Kingdom Needs ASEAN

Global Britain: Why the United Kingdom Needs ASEAN

By Edward Parker
Now is the time for British businesses to look to Southeast Asia and help make the 'Global Britain' slogan a reality.

British Foreign Minister Begins 3-Nation Southeast Asian Trip

British Foreign Minister Begins 3-Nation Southeast Asian Trip

By Sebastian Strangio
As part of the U.K.’s increasing focus “east of Suez,” Dominic Raab will make stops in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Singapore.
Chinese Academics Are Still Bullish on China-UK Relations

Chinese Academics Are Still Bullish on China-UK Relations

By Thomas des Garets Geddes
Chinese scholars and think tanks are holding to cautious optimism, despite the recent souring in relations.

The Prospects for ‘Global Britain’ in Southeast Asia

The Prospects for ‘Global Britain’ in Southeast Asia

By Noto Suoneto and Frederik Wrist
The U.K.'s engagement with Southeast Asia will be a test of London’s claim to a major role on the world stage.
‘Global Britain’: The UK in the Indo-Pacific

‘Global Britain’: The UK in the Indo-Pacific

By Anisa Heritage and Pak K. Lee
While its involvement is broadly welcomed in the region, the U.K. must first clarify what its Indo-Pacific presence will entail.

What’s Next for Vietnam-UK Relations in 2019?

What’s Next for Vietnam-UK Relations in 2019?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A recent foreign policy consultation put the focus on the opportunities and challenges for ties in the new year.

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