Good News

Filipino Who Helped Tame Insurgency and Pro-poor Indian Cancer Doctor Among Magsaysay Awardees
By Jim Gomez

It’s Where you Focus
Beyond the big news right now in Japan, is another tale of small political victory.

A Boy Band Bravo
When pop celebrities step out of the mould, it can be simply swoon-worthy.
Not Born into a Brothel
‘From a Calcutta brothel to a New York University,’ reports the BBC today on one of the eight children who were featured in the 2004 documentary Born into Brothels, a remarkable film about finding hope through art for some of the most unfortunate you
Artist Unchops a Tree
What is Missing? According to artist Maya Lin’s latest monument bearing this title, a lot of things-like all of the living species on earth that have or will become extinct within our lifetimes due to our rapid destruction of their natural habitats.&
Luxury Watches and Artists?
Last week I mentioned a new book by Phaidon on renowned artist Anish Kapoor, creator of one of my favourite public art installations — the Sky Mirror. Well now Kapoor is in the news again, having been announced as an official mentor by the 2010-11 R
Uncorking the Arts
I’ve always thought of wine-making as an art form — in the same category as fine cheese and fine chocolate
production — though
at the same time I try not to forget I’m fortunate to even be able to have an
opinion on this.
Where the Heart Is -- This Sri Lankan architect knows
This week, I’ve been lucky enough to come across some inspiring bits of info from the Asia-Pacific cultural arena. One was on Sri Lankan architect Chevadurai Anjalendran, whose work is the subject of the newly-released book Anjalendran: Architect of