
Donald Trump's Pivot From Asia: It's Gonna' Be Yuge
By Ankit Panda
Trump would pivot away from Asia and make Asia pay for it.

Americans Are Worried About China, But the Reasons Why Might Surprise You
By Ankit Panda
Americans see a range of problems in U.S.-China relations--some with good reason, others less so.

Chuck Hagel and the Battle for GOP Foreign Policy
While Hagel didn’t create the divisions within the GOP, his nomination is likely to harden them.

Romney's 'Pivot' ...to George W. Bush?
With proposals to expand the U.S. military, a strong focus on the Middle East, while simultaneously lowering taxes – all seem like moves from a former President’s playbook.
Why the First Debate Was a Draw
With major outlets calling the first U.S. Presidential debate a win for Mitt Romney, there could be a different conclusion.

The "Mitt Romney School" of Foreign Policy
Although Gov. Romney often criticizes President Obama’s choices in foreign affairs, many wonder about the precise nature of his own views.

Republicans on China
The 2012 Republican presidential candidates have differing views on China. What would they do in office?
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