
great power competition

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Realities Clash With Idealism in Today’s Asia

Realities Clash With Idealism in Today’s Asia

By Walter Lohman
The reality of what China’s rise means to different regional stakeholders must inform American policy.
China’s New Defense White Paper: Reading Between the Lines

China’s New Defense White Paper: Reading Between the Lines

By Ben Lowsen
Beijing walks a tightrope between peace and its conception of great power status.

A Thucydides Fallacy: The New Model of Power Relations for Southeast Asia, the US, and China

A Thucydides Fallacy: The New Model of Power Relations for Southeast Asia, the US, and China

By Danny Quah
Have Southeast Asia, the United States, and China shifted to a new model of power relations?

China to Release New White Paper on National Defense: What to Expect

China to Release New White Paper on National Defense: What to Expect

By Ankit Panda
China’s strategic environment and capabilities have transformed considerably in the four years since the last document.

Great Expectations: ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific Concept

Great Expectations: ASEAN and the Indo-Pacific Concept

By Sophie Boisseau du Rocher
As ASEAN gets closer to finally releasing its vision for the Indo-Pacific, its role in the region hangs in the balance.
The Risks of a ‘Total’ US-China Competition

The Risks of a ‘Total’ US-China Competition

By Robert Farley
Even China hawks need to make a careful appraisal of what sparks joy in the Sino-American relationship.

Understanding China’s Vision of Victory

Understanding China’s Vision of Victory

By Ankit Panda
Jonathan Ward describes the conditions that China’s leaders seek to create in the Asia-Pacific by 2049.
Huawei, Tech Decoupling, and Great Power Competition

Huawei, Tech Decoupling, and Great Power Competition

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Huawei’s fate is in the Trump administration’s hands.

Taking Great Power Competition Seriously

Taking Great Power Competition Seriously

By Robert Farley
As U.S.-China competition intensifies, how should Washington realign its interests in the Middle East?

Would the US Really Lose a War With China and Russia?

Would the US Really Lose a War With China and Russia?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new study offers little evidence for its bold generalizations that the U.S. is losing its ability to win a state-vs-state war.

Thucydides and US Politics Revisited

Thucydides and US Politics Revisited

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Greek historian’s lessons for contemporary politics are not as straightforward as some commentators suggest.
US-China Relations: From Cooperating Rivals to Competing Rivals

US-China Relations: From Cooperating Rivals to Competing Rivals

By He Yafei
China and the United States' relationship as “cooperating rivals” lasted for four decades. Now it's changed.

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