Green Finance

How to Increase Green Finance Inflows in Central Asia
By Nikolai Podguzov
With domestic policy changes, and robust external support, the region could push itself toward a net-zero future.

The AIFC’s Role in Kazakhstan’s Green Transition
By Wilder Alejandro Sanchez
How green can the steppe become?

India’s Cities Need Green Infrastructure Financing
By Soumyadip Chattopadhay
The time is ripe for a new system to narrow down sustainable urban infrastructure financing gaps.

Greening the Nepali Financial Sector: Strike While the Iron Is Hot
By Prajwal Baral
Nepal's economic policy makers must seize the moment to prepare for a green revolution.

China’s Empty Promises of Green Energy for Africa
By Jill van de Walle
Despite a verbal emphasis on renewables, most Chinese energy financing in Africa goes to coal, oil, and gas.

Hong Kong's Green Finance Bonanza
By Magda Tsakalidou
Green finance could be the next foundation for Hong Kong's economy.

Green Finance: A Strategic Imperative for China
By Deborah Lehr
China's "green financing" could be the key to making sure the Paris agreement comes to fruition.

China’s Best Weapon Against Pollution: Money
By Shannon Tiezzi
China is increasingly using economic levers to encourage environmental responsibility
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