Gross National Happiness

Gelephu: The World’s First Mindfulness City Is in Bhutan
By Namgay Zam
The city is envisioned as Bhutan’s new economic hub – an opportunity to capitalize on the economic corridor linking South Asia to Southeast Asia.

Bhutan’s Unique Success in Reducing Poverty
By Kezang Wangchuk
“If the government cannot create happiness for its people, there is no purpose for the government to exist.”

Is Bhutan on the Cusp of a Revolution in Private Sector Growth?
By Mark Turner
Much work needs to be done, but Bhutan should celebrate its quick progress on economic development.

Modi in Bhutan: From Energy to Wellbeing
By Gaurav Daga
Tiny Bhutan has more to offer India than just hydropower.

Prime Minister Modi to Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon
By Alyssa Ayres
The visit builds on Modi's outreach to the South Asian region.

Bhutan’s Human Rights Record Defies ‘Happiness’ Claim
By Vishal Arora
The UNHRC is looking at Bhutan’s record on human rights. It is less than stellar.

Bhutan Election Results: A Marker of Gross National Unhappiness?
Some suspect India played a role in the recent electoral win by Bhutan’s Opposition party.
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