
Harpoon missile

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

With New Offensive Weapons Package, Trump Administration Goes All-in for Taiwan

By Bonnie Girard
The sale of new missile systems stretches the concept of “defensive” weaponry to its limit.

US Approves Sales of Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles to Taiwan

US Approves Sales of Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles to Taiwan

By Steven Stashwick
Truck-mounted Harpoon missiles and other recent sales are aimed at repelling a potential invasion by China.
US Navy to Re-Fit Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to Attack Ships

US Navy to Re-Fit Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to Attack Ships

By Steven Stashwick
But is the missile a good fit for the mission?

Upgraded Indian Attack Submarines to Receive US Anti-Ship Missiles

Upgraded Indian Attack Submarines to Receive US Anti-Ship Missiles

By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. defense contractor Boeing will supply 22 Harpoon anti-ship missiles to the Indian Navy.

US Navy Wants New Missile for Littoral Combat Ship by End of 2016

US Navy Wants New Missile for Littoral Combat Ship by End of 2016

By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, no decision on what new missile system to purchase has been made yet, according to a U.S. Navy admiral.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Who Will Supply the US Navy's Next Anti-Ship Missile?

Who Will Supply the US Navy's Next Anti-Ship Missile?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Boeing just announced a new upgrade to its Harpoon missile.

US to Sell India Submarine-Launched Missiles

US to Sell India Submarine-Launched Missiles

By Zachary Keck
On Tuesday, the Pentagon announced Washington will be selling India submarine-launched Harpoon missiles.
Taiwan Acquires Submarine-Launched Anti-Ship Missiles

Taiwan Acquires Submarine-Launched Anti-Ship Missiles

By Zachary Keck
Taiwan announced this week that the U.S. has begun delivering UGM-84L sub-launched Harpoon Block II missiles.

America’s Undersea Advantage is Eroding

America’s Undersea Advantage is Eroding

With the U.S. Navy’s diminishing submarines and outdated armaments, the undersea balance in Asia is changing.

Surface Combat Fleets: Obsolete?

Surface Combat Fleets: Obsolete?

With America and others developing “carrier killer” missiles, what does the future hold for surface navies in wartime?

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