

Remember Afghanistan’s Hazaras

Remember Afghanistan’s Hazaras

By Knox Thames
Can anything be done to help the Hazaras in Afghanistan? 
School Bombing Latest Tragedy for Afghanistan’s Hazaras

School Bombing Latest Tragedy for Afghanistan’s Hazaras

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Afghanistan’s Hazaras have long been persecuted and over the last 20 years targeted in attacks of increasingly cruelty.

Tensions Mount Between Afghan Government, Powerful Warlord

Tensions Mount Between Afghan Government, Powerful Warlord

By Rahim Faiez
The government has launched an assault in central Maidan Wardak province, vowing to punish the warlord, Abdul Ghani Alipoor, after the defense minister accused his fighters of shooting down a military helicopter.

Afghan Shiite Leader in Pakistan After Killings of Miners

Afghan Shiite Leader in Pakistan After Killings of Miners

By Associated Press
The Hazara miners were abducted and killed by militants from the Islamic State group in southwestern Balochistan province.

A New Turn in the Taliban’s War: Hazarajat Under Siege

A New Turn in the Taliban’s War: Hazarajat Under Siege

By Rustam Ali Seerat and Rahmatullah Batoor
The Ghani government’s negligence when it comes to non-Pashtuns is clear.
The Evolution of the Media in Afghanistan

The Evolution of the Media in Afghanistan

By Rustam Ali Seerat
The country’s media has experienced some profound changes.

 ISIS Kills at Least 80 in Deadly Suicide Attack in Kabul

ISIS Kills at Least 80 in Deadly Suicide Attack in Kabul

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two suicide bombers struck a peaceful demonstration in Kabul today killing at least 80 and wounding over 230 people.
The Social Justice Discourse in Afghanistan

The Social Justice Discourse in Afghanistan

By Rustam Ali Seerat
A peaceful protest is a rare opportunity for the Afghan government.

Iran and Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan

By Rustam Ali Seerat
For the religious rivals, Afghanistan is another front in the fight for influence.

Who Is Responsible for Persecuting Pakistan’s Minorities?

Who Is Responsible for Persecuting Pakistan’s Minorities?

By Kiyya Baloch
Islamists in Balochistan are targeting minorities, yet NGOs are beginning to blame the government too.

Pakistan’s Shia Under Attack

Pakistan’s Shia Under Attack

By Phelim Kine
The government is failing to act to prevent the slaughter of Balochistan Shia.
The Plight of the Hazaras in Pakistan

The Plight of the Hazaras in Pakistan

Despite a shocking history of Hazara persecution, the international outcry is muted.

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