
Hindu nationalists

100 Years of the Discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization: How It Shaped Indian Politics

100 Years of the Discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization: How It Shaped Indian Politics

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Harappa has proved to be a hurdle before Hindu nationalists’ Vedic Aryan superiority theory.
Is the Hindu Nationalist ‘Boycott Bollywood’ Campaign Impacting the Box Office?

Is the Hindu Nationalist ‘Boycott Bollywood’ Campaign Impacting the Box Office?

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Movies that faced boycott calls and others that didn’t figure among the movies that were successful this year.

Delhi’s Anti-Muslim Riots Robbed Dozens of Children of Their Fathers

Delhi’s Anti-Muslim Riots Robbed Dozens of Children of Their Fathers

By Tarushi Aswani
For the families of the 53 people killed in the February 2020 riots, the violence has left a deep and permanent wound.

Indian Court Acquits All Accused in the 1992 Destruction of a 16th Century Mosque

Indian Court Acquits All Accused in the 1992 Destruction of a 16th Century Mosque

By Abhijnan Rej
The contentious Ayodhya verdict is likely to further aggravate Hindu-Muslim relations in India.

Indian Hindu Nationalism’s Nepali Cousin

Indian Hindu Nationalism’s Nepali Cousin

By Peter Gill
Hindu nationalism has taken hold in India. In Nepal, once the world’s only Hindu state, things are more complicated.
Modern, Not Western: Why Hindu Nationalists Do Not Resist Technology

Modern, Not Western: Why Hindu Nationalists Do Not Resist Technology

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Modern technology is not inherently Western and the East does not resist it.

India’s Bhima Koregaon: A Battle of Narratives

India’s Bhima Koregaon: A Battle of Narratives

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The Koregaon riots show how the same historical event can be seen from different perspectives.
Inside the Mind of a Hindu Nationalist

Inside the Mind of a Hindu Nationalist

By Vishal Arora and Parul Abrol
A Hindu nationalist foot soldier shares his worldview.

India’s Hindu Nationalists Push for Broader Education on 1962 India-China War

By Ankit Panda
India's defeat in the 1962 war against China continues to reverberate in the country—particularly for Hindu nationalists.

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