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Narendra Modi’s 2019 Landslide: Why It Happened and What Happens Next

Narendra Modi’s 2019 Landslide: Why It Happened and What Happens Next

By Abhijnan Rej
Modi’s chest-thumping over Pakistan paid off.
India’s Not-So-Free Media

India’s Not-So-Free Media

By Aman Madan
India’s once-famed press is devolving into a propaganda apparatus.

The Temple Guardians: Is India’ Ruling BJP Becoming More Conservative?

The Temple Guardians: Is India’ Ruling BJP Becoming More Conservative?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Bharatiya Janata Party balances two ideologies: nationalism and conservatism.

Indira’s Legacy: A Force That Shaped Congress’ Past, Present and Future

Indira’s Legacy: A Force That Shaped Congress’ Past, Present and Future

By Ambar Kumar Ghosh
It is imperative for the INC to take a dispassionate and introspective look at the formidable political legacy of Indira Gandhi.

American Hindus or Hindutva?

American Hindus or Hindutva?

By Suhag Aseem Shukla
Allegations of sympathies, even financial support, by Hindu Americans to political forces in India must be called out as anti-Hindu.
In India, Constitutional Secularism Comes Under Threat

In India, Constitutional Secularism Comes Under Threat

By Parul Abrol
Radical Hindu groups in India want to strip the constitution of its commitments to secularism.

Violence Against Christians in India: A Decade After Kandhamal

Violence Against Christians in India: A Decade After Kandhamal

By M. Sudhir Selvaraj
As Hindutva ideology extends its reach, Christians are feeling the pressure.
Rising Hindu Nationalism in South Asia: Implications for the United States

Rising Hindu Nationalism in South Asia: Implications for the United States

By Nikhil Mandalaparthy
It's time for Washington to take the challenges posed by Hindu nationalism seriously.

Alwar Lynching: Cow Vigilantes Strike Again in India

Alwar Lynching: Cow Vigilantes Strike Again in India

By Nazneen Mohsina
Members of the BJP have long tacitly endorsed acts of violence against India’s minority communities, especially Muslims.

Jammu and Kashmir Comes Under Direct Rule as Ruling Coalition Falls Apart

Jammu and Kashmir Comes Under Direct Rule as Ruling Coalition Falls Apart

By Aman Thakker
The Bharatiya Janata Party has withdrawn from its alliance with the People’s Democratic Party in Jammu and Kashmir. What comes next?

From Myanmar to India, Persecution Haunts Rohingya

From Myanmar to India, Persecution Haunts Rohingya

By Ann Toews
Rohingya refugees in India meet religious nationalists who want them gone — again.
Hindutva Terrorism in India

Hindutva Terrorism in India

By Sudha Ramachandran
Cow vigilantism is pre-meditated, politically motivated, and seeks to build fear in a community. That makes it terrorism.

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