Modi Taps Firebrand Hindu Priest-Politician to Lead India's Most Populous State
By Ankit Panda
Yogi Adityanath will became the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, a state with 204 million people.
The Trouble With India's New Citizenship Bill
By Wamika Kapur
The bill, if passed, would help turn India into a 'Hindu homeland.'
What's In a Hat? Indian Culture on Politicians’ Heads
By Krzysztof Iwanek
In India, you can test the dialogue between culture and politics through headgear.
India's Hindu Right Is Correct About One Thing: India's Muslim Rulers Did Destroy Hindu Temples
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
India's Hindu right loves to exaggerate some things, but history leaves some things clear.
How Hindu Nationalists Took Over India
By Nandini Deo
The movement seeks to advance the aims of a minority, but relies upon a much broader constituency for its support.
India and the Politics of Extremism
By Hari Prasad and Samir Kumar
The diversity of the polity and the BJP’s own political future will limit Hindutva prominence in Indian politics.
Obama's Parting Words in India: Tough but Necessary
By Raymond Vickery and Michael Kugelman
Obama left India with an unusual and historic speech, one that will ultimately be helpful for U.S.-India relations.
Is This the 'Gujarat Model' India Needs?
By Sanjay Kumar
As Narendra Modi inches closer to the top office in India, his past raises uncertainties about his priorities.
Modi: Hindutva Will Be An Asset in Foreign Affairs
By Ankit Panda
The BJP's frontrunner for prime minister offers a few more thoughts on international affairs.
Modi: Hope for the BJP, Despair for Secular India
The BJP is ascending under Modi. But can the rest of India be won over?
Can Narendra Modi Swing it for the BJP?
Modi is making efforts to attract young swing voters, but needs to address a number of prickly issues.
Back to Basics For the BJP
The BJP has elevated a number of controversial politicians to its central ranks, giving a preview of upcoming elections.