Hong Kong Chief Executive

Hong Kong Has Its First Contender for Next Chief Executive
By Cal Wong
Retired High Court judge Woo Kwok-hing becomes the first to officially declare his candidacy for the 2017 race.

Political Scrambling in Hong Kong Begins
By Cal Wong
Politicians (and Beijing) are already preparing themselves for the 2017 chief executive race.

Hong Kong Chief Threatens to Sue Newspaper
By Cal Wong
CY Leung threatens to sue Apple Daily for seeking to undermine a potential reelection campaign.

Hong Kong Corruption Watchdog’s Independence at Risk
By Cal Wong
Questions arise after the Independent Commission Against Corruption's head of operations is removed.

Hong Kong Postpones Political Development
By Tim Summers
A failed attempt to reform the method of selecting the Chief Executive raises the likelihood of future protests.

Hong Kong's Democratic Dilemma
By Shannon Tiezzi
Supporters of the Beijing-backed package claim to have public backing on their side. The truth is more complicated.
At Political Impasse, Hong Kong Needs Compromise
By Tim Summers
The longer term interests of Hong Kong and its people would be best served by pragmatic progress.

Chinese President Xi Won't Back Down on Hong Kong Elections
By Shannon Tiezzi
Meeting with a business delegation from Hong Kong, Xi Jinping made it clear Beijing does not intend to compromise.

Don't Overdo the Pessimism on Hong Kong Reforms
By Nicholas Gordon
Unless Beijing actually does what outside critics fear, it doesn’t help to act like Hong Kong’s reform process is over.

The Perils of Hong Kong’s Constitutional Changes
By Kin-ming Kwong and Chiew Ping Yew
Calling Beijing’s restrictive framework ‘political reform’ is a misnomer.

The Economic Impact of Hong Kong’s Political Crossroads
By Sara Hsu
Constraints on Hong Kong’s political future could well have economic repercussions.

Hong Kong's Democrats Should Accept the NPC’s Election Plan
By Dingding Chen
A deal is better than no deal — Rome was not built in a day.