
Hong Kong judiciary

Hong Kong’s Legal War on a Protest Anthem

Hong Kong’s Legal War on a Protest Anthem

By Eric Lai
The attempt fits into a longer tradition of using injunction orders to check free speech – and pressuring the courts to follow political directives.
Hong Kong’s Democratic Primary Trials Show a Dark Truth

Hong Kong’s Democratic Primary Trials Show a Dark Truth

By Eric Lai
Hong Kong’s legal prosecution of opposition figures puts it in the company of authoritarian regimes worldwide.

2022 Was the Year Hong Kong’s Rule of Law Died

2022 Was the Year Hong Kong’s Rule of Law Died

By Benedict Rogers
A December 31 decree from Beijing finally killed the last vestiges of judicial independence in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Has Changed, But Britain’s Legal Community Doesn’t Seem to Realize It

Hong Kong Has Changed, But Britain’s Legal Community Doesn’t Seem to Realize It

By Dennis Kwok and Sam Goodman
The U.K. legal establishment must stop clinging to fictions about the state of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

Britain to Withdraw Judges From Hong Kong Top Court

Britain to Withdraw Judges From Hong Kong Top Court

By Jill Lawless and Danica Kirka
Increasingly repressive laws enacted by China in Hong Kong have made the presence of British judges untenable.
Foreign Judges Are Enabling Hong Kong’s Legal Crackdown

Foreign Judges Are Enabling Hong Kong’s Legal Crackdown

By Eric Lai
A Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmaker is in jail because of a court ruling endorsed by a U.K. judge.

The Long-Term Implications of the Jimmy Lai Bail Decision

The Long-Term Implications of the Jimmy Lai Bail Decision

By Jerome A. Cohen
The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal’s bail decision had something for everyone – and will help shape future national security cases.
Hong Kong’s Weaponization of the Courts Has Begun

Hong Kong’s Weaponization of the Courts Has Begun

By Thomas Chan
Even more than high-profile cases, stories from the lower courts paint a worrying picture for Hong Kong’s judicial independence.

Beijing’s Crackdown Runs Into Hong Kong’s Rule of Law

Beijing’s Crackdown Runs Into Hong Kong’s Rule of Law

By Sarah Cook
Pushback against politically motivated prosecutions is emerging from lawyers, judges, and the principles of Hong Kong’s common law system itself.

The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression

The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression

By Jerome A. Cohen
Bail has become the most immediate arena in which the ongoing struggle between China’s Communist Party and Hong Kong’s judicial system is taking place.

The Intensifying Pressures to Further ‘Reform’ Hong Kong’s Courts

The Intensifying Pressures to Further ‘Reform’ Hong Kong’s Courts

By Jerome A. Cohen
With LegCo subdued, Beijing is turning its attention to Hong Kong’s independent judiciary.
The Next 4 Steps in Hong Kong’s March Toward Totalitarianism

The Next 4 Steps in Hong Kong’s March Toward Totalitarianism

By Simon Shen
The worst is yet to come for the city. Here are four warning signs to watch for.

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