Hong Kong legal system

Hong Kong Is Trying to Salvage Its Image. Who Is It Fooling?
By Eric Lai
The government is eager to tell “a good Hong Kong story” – but actions speak louder than words.

Hong Kong Has Changed, But Britain’s Legal Community Doesn’t Seem to Realize It
By Dennis Kwok and Sam Goodman
The U.K. legal establishment must stop clinging to fictions about the state of the rule of law in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Government and the Rule of Law
By Eric Lai
The National People's Congress in Beijing may have given the orders, but officials in Hong Kong are also responsible for the decline in Hong Kong's judicial and legal systems.

Foreign Judges Are Enabling Hong Kong’s Legal Crackdown
By Eric Lai
A Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmaker is in jail because of a court ruling endorsed by a U.K. judge.

The ‘China Model’ Is Expanding in Hong Kong
By Angeli Datt
There are new signs of Hong Kong’s internet, legal, and press systems following in Beijing’s footsteps.

The Long-Term Implications of the Jimmy Lai Bail Decision
By Jerome A. Cohen
The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal’s bail decision had something for everyone – and will help shape future national security cases.

Hong Kong’s Weaponization of the Courts Has Begun
By Thomas Chan
Even more than high-profile cases, stories from the lower courts paint a worrying picture for Hong Kong’s judicial independence.

Beijing’s Crackdown Runs Into Hong Kong’s Rule of Law
By Sarah Cook
Pushback against politically motivated prosecutions is emerging from lawyers, judges, and the principles of Hong Kong’s common law system itself.

The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression
By Jerome A. Cohen
Bail has become the most immediate arena in which the ongoing struggle between China’s Communist Party and Hong Kong’s judicial system is taking place.

The Intensifying Pressures to Further ‘Reform’ Hong Kong’s Courts
By Jerome A. Cohen
With LegCo subdued, Beijing is turning its attention to Hong Kong’s independent judiciary.

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?
By Jerome A. Cohen
Parsing the legislative, judicial, and law enforcement implications of the NPC’s “bombshell” decision.

Hong Kong Extradition Law: The Fallout
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Ho-Fung Hung.
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