
Hong Kong-Mainland relations

How Identity Politics Overshadowed Hong Kong

How Identity Politics Overshadowed Hong Kong

By Jin Kai
An interview with Wong Tsz Yuen, senior reporter at Phoenix TV, on the past, present, and future of Hong Kong through the lens of “identity politics.”
Hong Kong: Law Making and Law Breaking

Hong Kong: Law Making and Law Breaking

By Jessie Lau and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
From last year’s protests to the national security law, Hong Kong’s turmoil is largely a question of who gets to make the law – and who gets labeled as breaking it.

Beijing’s Plan for a Post-National Security Law Hong Kong

Beijing’s Plan for a Post-National Security Law Hong Kong

By Brian Wong
Beijing will be hoping to address Hong Kong's socioeconomic issues while keeping a tight leash on political changes.

Hong Kong and the National Security Law: Why Now?

Hong Kong and the National Security Law: Why Now?

By Simon Shen
The realist calculations behind Beijing’s so-called “second reunification” with Hong Kong.

Victoria Hui on Hong Kong’s Troubled Future

Victoria Hui on Hong Kong’s Troubled Future

By Shannon Tiezzi
“The new national security law is worse than Article 23 and extradition legislation combined.”
Will China’s Upcoming National Security Law Mark the End of an Autonomous Hong Kong?

Will China’s Upcoming National Security Law Mark the End of an Autonomous Hong Kong?

By Ankit Panda
How will the eventual imposition of a new national security law affect Hong Kong’s place in the world?

China Moves to Quell Hong Kong Protests With Security Law

China Moves to Quell Hong Kong Protests With Security Law

By Zen Soo and Ken Moritsugu
The decision allowing Beijing to craft a national security law for Hong Kong sailed through the National People’s Congress on Thursday.
China’s Strategy for Hollowing out Hong Kong

China’s Strategy for Hollowing out Hong Kong

By Simon Shen
Beijing’s fixation on national security legislation is an alarming signal for Hong Kong’s future.

Where Does China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Stand in 2020?

Where Does China’s ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Stand in 2020?

By Derek Grossman
The framework for governing Hong Kong and Macau – and, Beijing hopes, one day Taiwan – is battered but unbroken.

One Coronavirus, Two Systems: New Epidemic Hits at Hong Kong’s Political Divide

One Coronavirus, Two Systems: New Epidemic Hits at Hong Kong’s Political Divide

By Shannon Tiezzi
The outbreak taps into deep-seated anti-mainland sentiments in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s Looming 2047 Question

Hong Kong’s Looming 2047 Question

By Brian Wong
The protests that began in 2019 are actually centered on a date nearly 30 years into the future.
Quo Vadis Hong Kong?

Quo Vadis Hong Kong?

By Patrick Hess
Demanding system change -- on either side -- is not a realistic way out of the crisis. Understanding the underlying traumas is.

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