
Hong Kong pan-democrats

Why Hong Kong’s Democrats Should Still Run in Legislative Council Elections

Why Hong Kong’s Democrats Should Still Run in Legislative Council Elections

By Brian Wong
Despite the rocky road ahead, Hong Kong’s opposition politicians must not give up on the political arena.

Is Hong Kong Heading Toward a Russian-Style Electoral System?

Is Hong Kong Heading Toward a Russian-Style Electoral System?

By Simon Shen
Beijing may explore allowing a limited, managed style of democracy – one that ensures a toothless opposition, in the style of Putin’s Russia.
The Impact of Hong Kong’s Opposition-Less Legislature

The Impact of Hong Kong’s Opposition-Less Legislature

By Jessie Lau
By forcing out pro-democracy legislators, authorities have snuffed out one of the last official channels for voicing dissent and holding the government accountable.

Hong Kong’s Pro-Democrat Legislators Resign After Controversial Disqualifications

Hong Kong’s Pro-Democrat Legislators Resign After Controversial Disqualifications

By Shannon Tiezzi
Following a decision by Beijing that ousted 4 lawmakers, the entire pro-democrat caucus quit en masse, leaving LegCo with virtually no opposition presence.

Who Should Hong Kong Favor in the US Election? No One.

Who Should Hong Kong Favor in the US Election? No One.

By Frances Hui
“Hong Kongers” is its own brand: Neither for Trump nor for Biden.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Inside Hong Kong’s Besieged Legislative Council, Democrats Refuse to Surrender

Inside Hong Kong’s Besieged Legislative Council, Democrats Refuse to Surrender

By Kevin Holden
Banned candidates. Arrested lawmakers. Cancelled elections. What remains of democracy in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong Police Arrest 16, Including 2 Opposition Lawmakers

Hong Kong Police Arrest 16, Including 2 Opposition Lawmakers

By Associated Press
The latest round of arrests, already being decried as politically targeted, includes charges linked to protests last year.
Hong Kong’s Elections Were Already Rigged. Now They Won’t Happen.

Hong Kong’s Elections Were Already Rigged. Now They Won’t Happen.

By Shannon Tiezzi
Stacking the deck against pro-democrats apparently wasn’t enough for the Hong Kong government.

Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support

Pro-Democracy Legislators in Hong Kong Need International Support

By Joy Park
The CCP is taking advantage of the the coronavirus crisis to execute its vision of completely stripping Hong Kong of its remaining freedoms.

Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

Lawmakers Ejected in Scuffles at Hong Kong’s Legislature

By Associated Press
The fracas, centered on control of the House Committee, pitted pro-democracy and pro-Beijing faction against each other.

How Hong Kong’s District Council Elections Offer a Way out of the Political Crisis

How Hong Kong’s District Council Elections Offer a Way out of the Political Crisis

By Brian Wong
The District Council elections provide both the mandate and opportunity to come to a compromise.
Lawfare Waged by the Hong Kong Government Is Crushing the Hopes of Democrats

Lawfare Waged by the Hong Kong Government Is Crushing the Hopes of Democrats

By Benedict Rogers
In Hong Kong, the law is being used to intimidate opponents, disqualify lawmakers, and limit freedom of expression.

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