Hsiao Bi-khim

Taiwan’s Presidential and VP Contenders Give Final Campaign Push
By Brian Hioe
With less than two weeks left until the Taiwanese presidential elections, campaigning (and partisan mud-slinging) has kicked into high gear.

Despite China’s Threats, Taiwan VP’s US Visit Sees Muted Reaction
By Brian Hioe
Vice President William Lai, who is also the DPP's presidential candidate, transited New York and San Francisco this week.

Taiwan’s Pragmatic Approach to Biden’s Democracy Summit
By Huynh Tam Sang and Phan Van Tim
Bringing Taiwanese technocrats to Washington’s Summit for Democracy could help bolster Taiwan’s democratic standing.

What to Expect From US-Taiwan Relations in 2021 (and Beyond)
By Shannon Tiezzi
In an exclusive interview, Taiwan’s Ambassador Hsiao Bi-khim discusses U.S.-Taiwan ties under the Biden administration.

Biden Administration Makes Early Outreach to Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
For the first time since 1979, Taiwan’s representative in the U.S. received an official invitation to a U.S. presidential inauguration.
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