Hu Jintao

What Institutional Norms Are Left After the 20th Party Congress?
By Jonathan Brookfield
The Politburo Standing Committee line-up brought a number of surprises, but Xi still seems to have operated within a broad institutional framework.

5 Takeaways From China’s Big Leadership Announcement
By Shannon Tiezzi
The 20th Party Congress has closed, with Xi Jinping's grip on power even tighter than expected.

The End of Senior Politics in China
By Zhuoran Li
Xi Jinping is the first leader since 1978 not to be constrained by powerful elders in the CCP.

David Shambaugh on China’s Political Personalities, From Mao to Xi
By Shannon Tiezzi
“Although their respective periods of rule are four decades apart, and China has changed so much in the interim, it is really quite striking just how much Mao and Xi have in common.”

Beyond Wuhan: India Should Establish A New Framework for Engagement With China
By Aman Thakker
India should aim to establish a new and broader framework, or modus vivendi, in its engagement with China.

Speaking up for Yesterday’s Man: Remembering Hu Jintao
By Kerry Brown
Remembering Xi's predecessor, a man who is in danger of being lost to history.

The 'Community of Common Destiny' in Xi Jinping's New Era
By Jacob Mardell
Building a “community of common destiny” is the motivating force behind China's future foreign policy.

Charting the Rise of Xi Jinping
By Young China Watchers
Kerry Brown on Xi Jinping and the future of Chinese politics.

Another Look at China’s Leaders After the 2015 Plenum
By Kerry Brown
Where does Xi Jinping fit in China's political spectrum? And what does this mean for the rest of his time in power?

It's Official: China's President to Visit US From Sept. 22-25
By Shannon Tiezzi
How does Xi's four day trip, with stops in Seatlle, DC, and New York, compare to other visits by Chinese leaders?

Aide to China's Former President Expelled From Party, to Face Trial
By Shannon Tiezzi
It's official: Ling Jihua has been expelled from the Party for "serious discipline violations."

China's 2015 NPC Session: The Case of the Missing Presidents
By Bo Zhiyue
Former presidents Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are both MIA at the NPC. Why?
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