
Human rights in China

Remember Liu Xiaobo by Supporting Rights Activists in China 

Remember Liu Xiaobo by Supporting Rights Activists in China 

By Yaqiu Wang
On the anniversary of the death of Chinese Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo, the fight for human rights in China continues.
Which Countries Are For or Against China's Xinjiang Policies?

Which Countries Are For or Against China's Xinjiang Policies?

By Catherine Putz
Last week, two coalitions sent competing letters to the UN Human Rights Council criticizing or backing China's Xinjiang policies.

As Global Democracy Retreats, Ethnic Cleansing Is on the Rise

As Global Democracy Retreats, Ethnic Cleansing Is on the Rise

By Michael J. Abramowitz and Arch Puddington
The international norm against ethnic cleansing is not just being swept aside. It is at risk of being replaced.

What Does 'Competition' Between the United States and China Really Mean?

What Does 'Competition' Between the United States and China Really Mean?

By Ankit Panda
Many of Mike Pence's grievances with China were valid, but competition alone is not a strategy.

Political Struggles at Home Shape Beijing’s Meddling Abroad

Political Struggles at Home Shape Beijing’s Meddling Abroad

By Sarah Cook
Authoritarian rule in China poses a growing threat to democracy elsewhere.
Taiwan’s Human Rights Revolution and China’s Devolution

Taiwan’s Human Rights Revolution and China’s Devolution

By Margaret K. Lewis
There is an increasing divergence between China and Taiwan with respect to protecting human rights.

Why Should We Pay Attention to China’s Televised Confessions?

Why Should We Pay Attention to China’s Televised Confessions?

By Dinah Gardner
If we want to understand China, the recent televised trial of a Taiwanese human rights advocate is a good place to start.
Kidnapped by China: Beijing's Battle Against Dissidents and Free Speech

Kidnapped by China: Beijing's Battle Against Dissidents and Free Speech

By Cholpon Orozobekova
Since 2015, China has allegedly begun abducting dissidents from third countries.

When in China, Do as Chinese Do: The Unfortunate Case of Professor Ilham Tohti

When in China, Do as Chinese Do: The Unfortunate Case of Professor Ilham Tohti

By Patrik K. Meyer
Coercing the Chinese regime into accepting Western values and principles is ineffective.

Activists and Lawyers Jailed in China’s Latest Crackdown

Activists and Lawyers Jailed in China’s Latest Crackdown

By Cal Wong
Three activists, detained during last summer's massive crackdown, are sentenced to prison terms.

The Obama-Xi State Visit: Any Room for Human Rights?

The Obama-Xi State Visit: Any Room for Human Rights?

By Jared Genser
The agenda is packed, but human rights issues are likely to get short shrift.
Just How Far Will Chinese Tolerate the CCP's Authoritarianism?

Just How Far Will Chinese Tolerate the CCP's Authoritarianism?

By J. Michael Cole
Xi Jinping's crackdown may not be tolerated forever.

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