
human rights in Uzbekistan

New Uzbekistan, Old Tricks

New Uzbekistan, Old Tricks

By Mihra Rittmann
With so many activists in Uzbekistan once again behind bars, the president’s promises of reform ring increasingly hollow.

The Old Ways Are Still Alive in New Uzbekistan

The Old Ways Are Still Alive in New Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
In entering a new term by suggesting constitutional reform, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is following in the path of his dictatorial predecessor.
Can Uzbekistan Stay on Track in Improving its Human Rights Record?

Can Uzbekistan Stay on Track in Improving its Human Rights Record?

By Nodirjon Kirgizbaev
Uzbekistan undoubtedly needs to continue implementing recent initiated reforms, but its progress is promising.

Umida Niyazova on Forced Labor in Uzbekistan

Umida Niyazova on Forced Labor in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
Despite progress, forced labor remains a reality in Uzbekistan.

Conservative Religious Bloggers Detained in Uzbekistan

Conservative Religious Bloggers Detained in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
The arrests cast a pall on Uzbekistan's reform efforts and illustrate the boundaries of Tashkent's tolerance for debate.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Uzbek Officials Discuss Human Rights in Washington

Uzbek Officials Discuss Human Rights in Washington

By Catherine Putz
A few years ago such a panel -- seating a human rights researcher next to an Uzbek official -- would have been unthinkable.

In Uzbekistan, Abdullaev Case Concludes With Freedom

In Uzbekistan, Abdullaev Case Concludes With Freedom

By Catherine Putz
The defendants were set free; the judge ordered the state security service to look into its “violations” during the investigation.
Journalist's Detention a Test Case for Uzbek Regime on Human Rights

Journalist's Detention a Test Case for Uzbek Regime on Human Rights

By Catherine Putz
Bobomurod Abdullaev, a journalist, was detained in September 2017 by Uzbekistan's secret police.

Uzbek Exile Immediately Detained Upon Return

Uzbek Exile Immediately Detained Upon Return

By Catherine Putz
Reform? Thaw? A few steps forward, a few steps back.

Uzbekistan After Islam Karimov: What to Expect

Uzbekistan After Islam Karimov: What to Expect

By Ankit Panda
Katie Putz joins The Diplomat's Ankit Panda for a conversation on Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Remember Andijan and Bekzhanov: Islam Karimov and the Tragedy of Uzbekistan

Remember Andijan and Bekzhanov: Islam Karimov and the Tragedy of Uzbekistan

By Anna Neistat
Anna Neistat, who visited Uzbekistan in the aftermath of the 2005 Andijan massacre, reflects on Islam Karimov's death.
Cotton and Loans: Bad Business in Uzbekistan

Cotton and Loans: Bad Business in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
A complaint against an IFC project sheds light on the opaque financial systems underlying Uzbekistan's cotton industry.

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