Human Rights Watch

Police Torture in Sri Lanka Remains a Major Problem
By Taylor Dibbert
Is Sri Lanka’s new government ready to deal with police torture? Only time will tell.
Has Tajikistan Burned Too Many Bridges?
By Catherine Putz
Russia and Kazakhstan mull the right to be forgotten and Stroehlein is tired of excuses.
Uzbekistan’s Bravest Woman Beaten by Police
By Catherine Putz
Elena Urlaeva was taking pictures of people forced to labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton fields.

Uzbek Activist Sentenced to 5 More Years for 'Violating Prison Rules'
By Catherine Putz
Azam Farmonov has already served 9 years in jail for extortion charges, which human rights groups say were fabricated.

Indonesia’s Papua Censorship Obsession
By Phelim Kine
The arrest of two French journalists is part of a decades-old policy of preventing foreign media scrutiny.

Engaging Vietnam on Human Rights
By Helen Clark
Australia and the US have very different approaches to engaging with Vietnam on its human rights record.

Missing Sombath Still Dogging Laos
By Luke Hunt
Scrutiny from human rights groups and charges from the ICC likely if officials don’t come clean.

Vietnam Wins Human Rights Seat Despite Tainted Record
NGOs are skeptical about the UN’s odd choices for upcoming Human Rights Council.

Prostitution is Key to Reducing Corruption in China
Sex scandals triggered almost half of the corruption cases in China this year.

Bangladesh Police Kill Protestors, Charge Families With Murders
Bangladesh’s police shot and killed 6 protesters. They then charged their families with the murders.

Thai Activist Jailed for 11 Years on Lese Majeste Charges
Thai magazine editor Somyot Prueksakasemsuk has been charged with insulting the king.

As All Eyes Turn To Cambodia...
The government is doing its best to present a positive image. Yet, a whole host of issues seem to be swirling in the background.