human security

What’s Wrong with India’s Efforts to Check Human Trafficking?
By Avinash Giri
A recent case of human trafficking highlights the capability-will gap in Indian law enforcement.

Is Promoting Human Rights in ASEAN an Impossible Task?
By Pavin Chachavalpongpun
Developments in the region suggest that the goal remains far from becoming a reality anytime soon.

Bringing Safe Water to South Asia
By Zareen Muzaffar
One company is vying to use a community based micro-franchise model to bring safe water to millions.

North Korea's 3-Tiered Society
By 38 North / John Feffer
North Korea is plagued with economic and political inequalities. Can the international community help the marginalized?

What Hong Kong Occupy Could Achieve
By Stratos Pourzitakis
The protestors may not win genuine universal suffrage for 2017, but they may do something even more important.

India: Human InSecurity
By Ankit Panda
An interview with author Ram Mashru on human security issues in India.

Pacific Partnership and the Human Security Imperative
By Gregory M. Noddin Poulin
Expensive weapons systems may grab headlines, but human security initiatives have a vital role to play in U.S. strategy.
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