
Ichiro Ozawa

Japan’s Relations with South Korea

Japan’s Relations with South Korea

By Ichiro Ozawa
It is time for the two countries to resolve their differences and work together.

Japan Needs an Opposition Alliance

Japan Needs an Opposition Alliance

By Ichiro Ozawa
Unchecked unconstitutional legislation is a repeat of Japan’s prewar history.
Ichiro Ozawa: Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII

Ichiro Ozawa: Statement on the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII

By Ichiro Ozawa
"Japan still has not become a nation that truly understands democracy."

The Truth About the Diet Security Legislation Debate

The Truth About the Diet Security Legislation Debate

By Ichiro Ozawa
Peace should be achieved through the Japanese Constitution, the UN Charter and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.

Respecting the Japanese Constitution

Respecting the Japanese Constitution

By Ichiro Ozawa
What the Abe government plans goes beyond a constitutional amendment.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Dangerous Japan-U.S. Defense Guidelines Revisions

The Dangerous Japan-U.S. Defense Guidelines Revisions

By Ichiro Ozawa
A Japanese opposition leader on what is wrong with the changes to The Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation.

'Money Politics' in Japan

'Money Politics' in Japan

By Aurelia George Mulgan
Allegations of financial impropriety have a long and sordid history in Japanese politics.
Playing Politics in Japan

Playing Politics in Japan

Despite an impending economic crisis, Japan’s politicians seem more worried about their own careers.

Building a New DPJ

Building a New DPJ

Yoshihiko Noda faces plenty of challenges as Japan’s new prime minister. The most immediate is choosing his new government.

Japan’s Poisoned Chalice

Japan’s Poisoned Chalice

New Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda faces a deeply divided party and dysfunctional system.

Knives Out (Again) in Japan

Knives Out (Again) in Japan

Naoto Kan’s days as premier look numbered, says veteran Japan watcher Karel van Wolferen. But who comes next is much less clear.

Japan's Depressing Squabbling

Japan's Depressing Squabbling

As Japan’s politicians squabble, the public is getting frustrated. Sadly, the DPJ can’t even put its own house in order.

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