
illegal logging

Logging Accelerates in Cambodia’s Prey Lang Sanctuary

Logging Accelerates in Cambodia’s Prey Lang Sanctuary

By Sebastian Strangio
The pace of deforestation has increased in line with the government's clampdown on environmental defenders.
Najib Scandal Links in Focus with Ex-Sabah Chief Minister Charges

Najib Scandal Links in Focus with Ex-Sabah Chief Minister Charges

By Luke Hunt
The charges against Musa Aman announced last week are just part of the ongoing scrutiny around Najib and his allies in a New Malaysia.

With its Environmental Crisis, Is Laos Missing the Forest for the Trees?

With its Environmental Crisis, Is Laos Missing the Forest for the Trees?

By Erin Cook
The overall challenge remains vast despite piecemeal efforts to address it.

How Politics Is Killing Cambodia's Forests

How Politics Is Killing Cambodia's Forests

By Abu SMG Kibria
Political and economic calculations in Cambodia, China, and Vietnam are contributing to widespread illegal logging.

Laos: The Land of a Million Elephants

Laos: The Land of a Million Elephants

By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
The expansion of civilization is pushing humans and elephants closer and closer together.
Illegal Logging Throws a Wrench Into China-Myanmar Relations

Illegal Logging Throws a Wrench Into China-Myanmar Relations

By Shannon Tiezzi
Myanmar sentenced 153 Chinese loggers to life in prison, sparking protests from Beijing.

China: The Cause of (and Solution to?) Illegal Logging

China: The Cause of (and Solution to?) Illegal Logging

By Alison Hoare
To reverse its increasing impact on global deforestation, China needs new laws and tough enforcement.
China's Next Challenge: The Depletion of Global Natural Resources

China's Next Challenge: The Depletion of Global Natural Resources

By Elizabeth Economy
China is cleaning up its act at home, but will leaders be willing to tackle illegal environmental depredations abroad?

ASEAN’s Transnational Crime Networks

ASEAN’s Transnational Crime Networks

By Philip Heijmans
New infrastructure within the region may be facilitating cross-border crime.

Stunning Honesty From Sarawak's New Chief Minister

Stunning Honesty From Sarawak's New Chief Minister

By Luke Hunt
Adenan Satem shocks observers by calling out the state’s rampant corruption.

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