India and SAARC

SAARC Is Dead. Long Live Subregional Cooperation
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
India-Pakistan rivalry and India’s isolation of Pakistan contributed to the death of the South Asian regional organization. But India is keen on working with its other neighbors.

Is Regional Integration Still Relevant for India in South Asia?
By Niranjan Marjani
The country's long-running dispute with Pakistan has soured attempts to foster regionalism in South Asia.

SAARC Foreign Ministers Meet Virtually in a Sign That the Grouping Is Not Dead – Yet
By Abhijnan Rej
The meeting also saw India and Pakistan trade barbs.

Why Did India Decide to Activate SAARC During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
By Brabim Karki
Was India’s decision to convene SAARC a geopolitical masterstroke?

Can India Coordinate a SAARC Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
By Kamal Madishetty
A recent virtual meeting of SAARC leaders was a welcome revival of regional cooperation amid a health crisis.

India’s BIMSTEC Gambit
By Sudha Ramachandran
With SAARC stalled, India is turning to BIMSTEC to center its foreign policy.
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