India anti-Muslim sentiments

How Aceh’s About-face on Rohingya Refugees Echoes in India
By Angshuman Choudhury
Right-wing disinformation networks in India are using events in Indonesia to revive fake news and hate speech campaigns targeting the Muslim minority group.

How Gujarat’s Khambhat Became a Hotspot for Anti-Muslim Hate
By Tarushi Aswani
The communal violence of April 2022 was more the norm than the exception in the city of Khambhat.

Violence in Bangladesh Triggers Tensions in Indian Border State
By Ruwa Shah and Ahmer Khan
Following violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, Muslims in bordering Indian states are facing increasing pressure and harassment.

India’s Role in Communal Violence in Bangladesh
By Hossain Delwar
India’s anti-Muslim policies trigger anti-Hindu sentiments in its neighbors, creating a vicious cycle of communal violence.

Hate Goes Viral in India
By Siddharthya Roy
Anti-Muslim mudslinging has hit new heights as pandemic panic paves new avenues in India.

The 2020 Delhi Riots: Implications for Southeast Asia
By Jasminder Singh
The recent anti-Muslim riots in New Delhi have elicited a strong rebuke from Muslim-majority countries in Southeast Asia.

Terror Error: India's Falsely Accused
By Intifada P Basheer
What it's like to be falsely charged of terrorism in India.
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