India coronavirus

India’s Pandemic Mortality: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
By Ameya Pratap Singh
A WHO attempt to estimate India’s excess deaths during the pandemic sparked major backlash.

India Needs a Review Commission on COVID Management
By Shubham
It is critical that policymakers understand the full impact of the pandemic on the economy and human development.

Skeletons Are Tumbling Out of India’s COVID-19 Closet
By Sudha Ramachandran
Not only did the Modi government refuse to admit that the pandemic had entered the community transmission stage in March 2020 but it also grossly under-reported COVID deaths.

Gender Responsive Budgeting Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in India
By Akanksha Khullar
The pandemic exacerbated pre-existing economic inequalities within India’s patriarchal society.

COVID-19 Shrank India’s Burgeoning Middle Class
By Sayan Ghosh, Zenger News
India has witnessed a drop in living standards across all income tiers, significantly denting its efforts to catch up to China.

India to Provide Free Vaccines to All in Major Policy Shift
By Sheikh Saaliq
Under the earlier policy, the federal government gave free shots only to people above 45 years of age and front-line workers.

With Cancelled Board Exams, India Avoids a Deadly Mistake
By Abhishek Arora and Kanika Arora
As the pandemic rages across the country, holding in-person Class 12 exams would have risked a super spreader event.

India Should Help Smaller Powers Lead Regional Cooperation in South Asia
By Mohamed Zeeshan
If New Delhi wants to keep Beijing out of its backyard, it has to step up regional cooperation in South Asia.

India’s COVID-19 Crisis: An Opportunity to Recover Inter-Faith Fraternity
By Tehmina Arora
The crisis has seen Indians from all faiths and ethnicities coming together to save lives.

COVID-19 Second Wave Highlights India’s Barriers to Global Aid
By Kriti Upadhyaya
Policy impediments are hampering potentially life-saving partnerships.

Don’t Write Off Indian Vaccine Diplomacy Yet
By Krzysztof Iwanek
An alliance between Western technology and Indian manufacturing capabilities may still be crucial to produce cheap vaccines for the world.

What US Support For a Vaccine Waiver Means For India
By Urvi Tembey and Ameya Pratap Singh
In an integrated world there can be no national solutions to a global pandemic.
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