India culture

India’s Stolen Gods and Goddesses
By Neeta Lal
The looting of India's history continues: “We are estimating close to 10,000 major work of arts leaving India every decade.”

‘Conscious’ Hip-Hop Resurfaces in India-Administered Kashmir
By Muheet Ul Islam
Protest-themed rap music is making a comeback in Kashmir – but don’t call its rappers “political.”

A Carnival on the City’s Margins: The Sonepur Mela of Bihar
By Subir Rana
The annual festival combines livestock sales with massive bazaars, nighttime theater with carnival rides, and, over it all, political ads.

India’s Sabarimala Temple and the Issue of Women’s Entry
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Another Hindu temple will open its gates to women, reigniting the debate on Indian secularism.

The Earthquake- Proof Huts of Kutch
By Sugato Mukherjee
Bhungas, circular mud huts, are both resilient in the face of quakes and central to the Kutch identity.

The View From the Blogs: Stories of India's Cities
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Three blogs that share stories from the back alleys of Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata.

Old Delhi’s Last Calligrapher
By Nantha Kishore
Mohammad Ghalib is one of the last remaining traditional calligraphic artists in Old Delhi.
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