
India domestic politics

India’s Global Ambitions Begin at Home

India’s Global Ambitions Begin at Home

By Chietigj Bajpaee
Does the grand rhetoric of India’s foreign policy aspirations match the reality of the country’s domestic reform momentum?

Even COVID-19 Can’t Stop the Battle for Bengal

Even COVID-19 Can’t Stop the Battle for Bengal

By Sudha Ramachandran
The skyrocketing cases in India have barely made a dent in the feverish campaigns being mounted in West Bengal’s elections.
US Defense Secretary Arrives in India as Biden Confronts Free and Open Dilemma

US Defense Secretary Arrives in India as Biden Confronts Free and Open Dilemma

By Abhijnan Rej
On March 17, a powerful U.S. senator had asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to raise difficult questions with his Indian hosts.

The Rising Domestic Danger to India’s Foreign Policy Under Modi

The Rising Domestic Danger to India’s Foreign Policy Under Modi

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Whether New Delhi likes it or not, it is becoming increasingly clear that domestic issues are affecting ties with its neighbors and partners and that the costs of this are increasing.

The Time Is Finally Right for a Third Front in India

The Time Is Finally Right for a Third Front in India

By Ambar Kumar Ghosh
The political landscape, marked by a shrinking Congress Party and invincible BJP, calls for a coalition of regional forces.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Gujarat Elections: A Warning for the BJP

Gujarat Elections: A Warning for the BJP

By K.S. Venkatachalam
Is the election result in the Indian state of Gujarat a sign of things to come?

India's Demonetization Is a Distraction, Not a Solution

India's Demonetization Is a Distraction, Not a Solution

By Riju Agrawal
Demonetization was billed as a 'silver bullet' for India's woes. In reality, it will prevent more effective solutions.
The Trouble With India’s Demonetization Gamble

The Trouble With India’s Demonetization Gamble

By Padmapriya Govindarajan
The country is in uproar following the bold and risky move.

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