
India Economy

Vietnam, Not India, is in a Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Sweet Spot

Vietnam, Not India, is in a Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Sweet Spot

By Chietigj Bajpaee
India does not lack potential, but on both the geopolitical and geoeconomic fronts it has yet to seize the moment.

Modi Touts India’s Roaring Economy as He Seeks Reelection, But Many Feel Left Behind

Modi Touts India’s Roaring Economy as He Seeks Reelection, But Many Feel Left Behind

By Krutika Pathi and Sheikh Saaliq
Modi’s challengers hope to benefit from economic issues including high unemployment, persistent poverty, and inequality.
Delhi’s Dilemma: A Growing Economy and Growing Unemployment

Delhi’s Dilemma: A Growing Economy and Growing Unemployment

By Rajat Kathuria
India is on its way to becoming the third-largest economy in the world, yet unemployment among young people with graduate degrees is at an all-time high.

India’s Government Announces a Short-Term Budget Until National Elections Are Held

India’s Government Announces a Short-Term Budget Until National Elections Are Held

By Ashok Sharma
With elections due by May, there were expectations of populist giveaways. But the short-term budget is mostly free of big-spending new programs.

The Australia-India Trade Agreement: The Start of Something More for India?  

The Australia-India Trade Agreement: The Start of Something More for India?  

By Parth Sharma
The early results of the AI-ECTA have been positive, and could remind Indian officials of the merits of free trade agreements and tariff elimination.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Asian Tiger Stock Markets Underperform Post-COVID as India Outpaces China

Asian Tiger Stock Markets Underperform Post-COVID as India Outpaces China

By Sam Rainsy
In the economic race between Asia's two economic giants, India is slowly beginning to pull ahead.

India’s Lopsided Post-COVID Economic Recovery 

India’s Lopsided Post-COVID Economic Recovery 

By Isha Gupta
On the surface, the data looks promising. But dig a little deeper and it’s clear that India’s rural areas are falling even farther behind.
2023 New Year Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies

2023 New Year Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies

By Anthony Fensom
Challenges and prospects for China, Japan, and India's economic growth in 2023.

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

Asia’s Development Model Is Now Jeopardizing Its Future Economic Growth

By Saul Estrin and Simon Commander
Asia is facing an economic watershed moment. Turning the corner will require rethinking the role of its dominant, state-supported business groups.

At 75, India’s Biggest Challenge Is to Create Jobs

At 75, India’s Biggest Challenge Is to Create Jobs

By Krutika Pathi and Bhumika Saraswati
From an impoverished nation in 1947, India has emerged a global powerhouse whose $3 trillion economy is Asia’s third largest. But where are the jobs?

India’s Urban Unemployment Crisis

India’s Urban Unemployment Crisis

By Rupa Kumari
The urban unemployment crisis, sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to drag India’s economy down.
India’s Tech Unicorn Count Continues to Grow Despite Broad Market Turbulence

India’s Tech Unicorn Count Continues to Grow Despite Broad Market Turbulence

By Dmytro Spilka
While China shows a slight dip in startups, India’s tech unicorns are surging.

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