
India G-20 presidency

Africa-India Ties: The Continent’s Next Big Relationship or Over-Hyped?

Africa-India Ties: The Continent’s Next Big Relationship or Over-Hyped?

By Barnaby Joseph Dye and Punkhuri Kumar
One year after India secured a seat at the G-20 for the African Union, the relationship has not lived up to expectations.
Where Was ASEAN at India’s G20 Summit?  

Where Was ASEAN at India’s G20 Summit?  

By Yanitha Meena Louis
As India expands its global influence, Southeast Asian nations should leverage its initiatives and renew ties.

The G20 Delhi Declaration Set the Climate Finance Agenda For COP28

The G20 Delhi Declaration Set the Climate Finance Agenda For COP28

By Archana Chaudhary
India’s G-20 presidency succeeded in pushing the climate funding envelope from the billions into the trillions.

India’s Rising Geopolitical Clout Will Be Tested as It Hosts the G-20 Summit

India’s Rising Geopolitical Clout Will Be Tested as It Hosts the G-20 Summit

By Krutika Pathi
By focusing on issues affecting developing countries, like food and fuel insecurity and debt, India is projecting itself as the leader of the Global South.

Pakistan Watches Closely as India Hosts G20 Summit This Weekend

Pakistan Watches Closely as India Hosts G20 Summit This Weekend

By Umair Jamal
Islamabad could ask its friends in the G-20 to ensure that the final statement is not hostile to Pakistan in any way.
China’s Xi Will Skip G20 Summit in India

China’s Xi Will Skip G20 Summit in India

By Associated Press
The Chinese foreign ministry has not given a reason for Xi’s absence at the upcoming event. Relations along the India-China border have been tense.

G20 Summit: India’s Authorit­arianism Strangles Solutions to Global Challenges 

G20 Summit: India’s Authorit­arianism Strangles Solutions to Global Challenges 

By Avinash Kumar and Alena Kahle
Rather than setting an agenda that would put forward the voices of the Global South and the world’s most marginalized, India has used its G-20 presidency for cynically domestic political purposes. 
Should We Expect a Thaw in China-India Relations Soon? 

Should We Expect a Thaw in China-India Relations Soon? 

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
With Xi possibly visiting India for the G-20 Summit in September, some hope for a tempering of tensions. But that might just be wishful thinking. 

India’s G20 Presidency: Giving Voice to the Global South

India’s G20 Presidency: Giving Voice to the Global South

By Akanksha Singh
India has made clear that it wants to use its G-20 presidency to give voice to concerns of the Global South.

A G20 Meeting in Disputed Kashmir

A G20 Meeting in Disputed Kashmir

By Suparna Banerjee
India is attempting to present the territory a bastion of peace, four years after the abrogation of Article 370. But that peace has come at a high cost.

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

By Aijaz Hussain
The G-20 tourism meeting will be the first significant international event in Kashmir since New Delhi stripped region of its autonomy in 2019.
Why Does the G7 Need India?

Why Does the G7 Need India?

By Niranjan Marjani
Engaging with India is imperative for the G-7.

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