India inequality

Modi Touts India’s Roaring Economy as He Seeks Reelection, But Many Feel Left Behind
By Krutika Pathi and Sheikh Saaliq
Modi’s challengers hope to benefit from economic issues including high unemployment, persistent poverty, and inequality.

Food for Thought as Independent India Turns 75
By Muqtedar Khan
India’s pursuit of greatness will remain elusive if it fails to address inequality and revive its democratic and secular values.

COVID-19 Threatens to Waste India’s Demographic Dividend
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The impacts of the pandemic on India’s youth threaten to last for years to come, undoing decades of progress on multiple fronts.

Indian Farmers’ Hidden Enemy: Disaster Capitalism
By Pascale Hunt
The government’s agricultural reforms threaten food and water security as well as deepening economic inequality in India.

India’s Rich Prosper During the Pandemic While Its Poor Stand Precariously at the Edge
By Bansari Kamdar
COVID-19 is increasing India’s economic inequality – which was very high even before the pandemic.

COVID-19 Comes to Asia’s Most Densely Populated Slum
By V Yashoda
Poverty and population density intensify the race to contain the coronavirus‘ spread in India's largest slum

How to Fix India's Wealth Gap
By K.S. Venkatachalam
A recent Oxfam report raises concerns about the growing gap between the rich and the poor, including in India.
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