India-Iran trade

India, Iran, and the Taliban’s Gamble on Chabahar
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
And the dilemma that it presents for Washington.

INSTC: Pipeline Dream or a Counterweight to Western Sanctions and China’s BRI?
By Nima Khorrami
There is revived talk about the International North South Transport Corridor, but can the project overcome divergences between India, Iran, and Russia?

The Challenges and Limitations in India-Iran Relations
By Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal
Recent U.S. sanctions on an Indian company over dealings with Iran drive home New Delhi’s difficult position.

The US, Iran, and Oil-Hungry Asia
By Nicholas Trickett
As tensions between the United States and Iran deepen, Asia’s top oil importers watch warily.

Iran's Rouhani Comes to India: What to Expect
By Harsh V. Pant
The Iranian president will come to New Delhi with an economic agenda on his mind.
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