India-Nepal disputes

India-Nepal Diplomatic Relations at 75: Full of Contradictions
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
The two countries share strong cultural, religious, political, and economic ties. The same issues can pull them apart.

What Lies Behind Modi’s Nepal Visit?
By Bipin Ghimire and Apoorva Pathak
The choice to visit Lumbini for Buddha's birthday was carefully crafted both religiously and geopolitically.

What Is China Saying About the China-India Border Stand-Off?
By Antara Ghosal Singh
On the Chinese internet, the Nepal-India territorial dispute is seen as a direct contributing factor to the recent flare-up on the Sino-Indian border.

Amid Dispute With India, Nepal Publishes New Political Map: What Now?
By Brabim Karki
It’s time for India and Nepal to hold talks on the border issue.
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