India nuclear energy

How India’s Beaches Can Unlock a Nuclear-powered Future
By Rudra Prasad Pradhan and Kalyani Yeola
India’s indigenous nuclear reactor prototype and abundant thorium reserves hold the key to the country’s future energy security.

Russia’s Outsized Role in India’s Nuclear Power Program
By Shayak Sengupta and Rama T. Ponangi
The United States normalized India’s civil nuclear program, but Russia still exerts more influence in the sector.

India’s Radioactive Bazaar
By Sitara Noor
Recurring incidents involving the theft and sale of nuclear materials demonstrate why India must develop an independent nuclear regulatory body.

India Inks New Nuclear Deal with Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
The recent deal will see Kazakhstan supply India with 5,000 metric tons of uranium between 2015 and 2019.

India’s Nuclear Energy Imperative
By Neeta Lal
The country needs a focus on nuclear power, and legislative reform, if it is to avoid an energy crisis.

India Pushing Nuclear Pact At Modi-Abe Summit
By Clint Richards
Despite representing a huge new market, Japan must still be cautious in exporting nuclear technology.

Lessons from Japan for India on Nuclear Energy
By Kabir Taneja
Fukushima has given energy-hungry India pause. Are its nuclear safety standards up to scratch?
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