India nuclear weapons

Why New Delhi Should Revise Its Nuclear Doctrine
By Amit R Saksena
It's time for India to rethink its no first use policy.

The South Asia Nuclear Equation
By Kunal Singh
Recent remarks by a Pakistani general have reopened the debate on South Asia’s nuclear stability.

China and India: Nationalism and Nuclear Risk
By Ali Ahmed
When considering nuclear escalation between China and India, don’t forget the effects of nationalism.

The Paradox in Legitimizing India’s Nuclear Status
By Ji Yeon-jung
Striking a balance with the NPT regime requires a careful regional and global calculus.

India’s Soft Power Advantage
By Kadira Pethiyagoda
Deeply entrenched factors make India a uniquely attractive great-power partner.

The Paradox of India’s ‘Credible Minimum Deterrence’
By Amit R. Saksena
India’s policy of deterrence may be exacerbating regional tension instead of preventing conflict.

Nuclear Testing and the South Asia Arms Race
By Tahir Nazir
India has the ability to reduce nuclear tension in South Asia within the current treaty framework.

India’s Agni-V ICBM to Carry Multiple Nuclear Warheads
Delhi’s use of MIRV technology on its longest-range missile could destabilize the nuclear balance with China.
What To Make of India's Nuclear Forces
A submarine-launched ballistic missile test by India may have produced more questions than answers.
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