
India-Pakistan border

Michael Kugelman on the India-Pakistan Relationship

Michael Kugelman on the India-Pakistan Relationship

By Shannon Tiezzi
Pakistan wants a more stable relationship with India, but “that doesn’t mean it wants to pursue reconciliation.”

Drones: An Emerging Threat on the Volatile India-Pakistan Border

Drones: An Emerging Threat on the Volatile India-Pakistan Border

By Rakshit Kweera
As drone sightings along the always-tense border increase, India must increase its attention to C-UAS technology. 
The Unheard Voices of Kashmir

The Unheard Voices of Kashmir

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
While India and Pakistan argue and fight over the fate of Kashmir, is anyone listening to the Kashmiris?

A War of Words? Conflicting Media Narratives Between India and Pakistan

A War of Words? Conflicting Media Narratives Between India and Pakistan

By Akash Sriram
In a game of optics and perception, India's Modi and Pakistan's Khan each have come away with a victory.

Making Sense of the India-Pakistan Kartarpur Corridor Opening

Making Sense of the India-Pakistan Kartarpur Corridor Opening

By Umair Jamal
The Kartarpur corridor may be a good confidence-building measure between the two countries, but it’s not a game changer.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Cold Start: India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

Cold Start: India to Deploy Massive Tank Army Along Border With Pakistan

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Army plans to deploy almost 500 main battle tanks along the India-Pakistan border.

Making Sense of Pakistan’s Intelligence Tip-off to India

Making Sense of Pakistan’s Intelligence Tip-off to India

By Rohan Joshi
India should welcome Pakistani inputs on possible terror attacks without over-interpreting their significance.
Assessing the Latest India-Pakistan Prime Ministers Meeting

Assessing the Latest India-Pakistan Prime Ministers Meeting

By Ankit Panda
The Indian and Pakistani prime ministers met for the first time in 2015. What did their meeting accomplish?

Can We Trust the New Dialogue Between India and Pakistan?

Can We Trust the New Dialogue Between India and Pakistan?

By Sanjay Kumar
Narendra Modi and Nawaz Sharif are speaking again. Is this a good development?

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