
India-Pakistan relations

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Pakistan Alarmed Over India’s Accidental Missile Firing

Pakistan Alarmed Over India’s Accidental Missile Firing

By Umair Jamal
The incident has raised questions about existing safety mechanisms in India to prevent accidental missile launches.
Are India and Pakistan Looking to Restart Cricket Diplomacy?

Are India and Pakistan Looking to Restart Cricket Diplomacy?

By Moazzam Ishaq
An invitation from India’s cricket head to his Pakistani counterpart could provide the opening for a thaw in the broader relationship.

Can Pakistan’s Mangoes Sweeten Souring Ties with the US?

Can Pakistan’s Mangoes Sweeten Souring Ties with the US?

By Niha Dagia
Mangoes have always been in the frontline of Pakistan’s politics and diplomacy.

Mohamed Zeeshan on How India Can Grow Its Global Influence

Mohamed Zeeshan on How India Can Grow Its Global Influence

By Sudha Ramachandran
“There is space for India to position itself as the organizer of a global development coalition.”

Ceasing Fire: India, Pakistan, and Elusive Peace in South Asia

Ceasing Fire: India, Pakistan, and Elusive Peace in South Asia

By The Diplomat
Madiha Afzal, Michael Kugelman, and Asfandyar Mir discuss the surprise ceasefire and the long-term implications for South Asian peace.
The Indian Army’s Pivot to the North

The Indian Army’s Pivot to the North

By Ankit Panda
What’s behind the Indian Army’s reorientation of its Mathura-based 1 Corps toward China?

Should China’s Afghan Outreach Worry India?

Should China’s Afghan Outreach Worry India?

By Monish Tourangbam and Chayanika Saxena
How should New Delhi read Chinese designs in Afghanistan?
Why Did Pakistan Lay Claim to the Indian Territory of Junagadh? 

Why Did Pakistan Lay Claim to the Indian Territory of Junagadh? 

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The Junagadh issue had once been used to raise points in the Kashmir dispute. But this is no longer of significance.

India Under Strain Across South Asia  

India Under Strain Across South Asia  

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India’s regional relations are almost all in states of distress. That’s a big problem for New Delhi.

Is the Pakistani Government Really Worried About Indian Muslims?

Is the Pakistani Government Really Worried About Indian Muslims?

By Umair Jamal
As India’s Muslims come under siege, will Pakistan’s concern amount to anything more than opportunism?

India, Pakistan Exchange Lists of Nuclear Sites Pursuant to Their Non-Attack Agreement

India, Pakistan Exchange Lists of Nuclear Sites Pursuant to Their Non-Attack Agreement

By Ankit Panda
The exchange of lists is the 29th consecutive one between the two nuclear-armed neighbors.
Does India Gain Anything From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

Does India Gain Anything From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Any benefits from the SCO are cancelled out by the presence of China and Pakistan.

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