India-Taliban relations

India’s Turn Toward Its Extended Neighborhood
By Anuraag Khaund
In the face of an increasingly hostile and constrained near neighborhood, New Delhi has focused on deepening relations with a wider array of countries.

Growing Taliban-India Closeness: Should Pakistan be Worried?
By Muhammad Murad
Is Pakistan on the verge of losing its erstwhile friend, the Afghan Taliban, to its arch-rival India?

Cracks in Pakistan-Taliban Relations: Time for a New Alliance in Kabul?
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
While a reconciliation between the two estranged partners – the Taliban and Islamabad – seems impossible, the rift has opened up opportunities for New Delhi to step in.

India’s Leap of Faith in Afghanistan: Tango With the Taliban
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The evolving Indian policy toward Afghanistan is either a drastic climb down from a moral high ground or grimly pragmatic, depending on how one looks at things.

Modi’s Re-election: A Chance to Revitalize Afghanistan-India Relations
By Sadiq Amini
These days, Afghan democrats need a champion, and India, under Modi’s leadership, could be that champion – if New Delhi can correct course on its Afghanistan policy.

India, Iran, and the Taliban’s Gamble on Chabahar
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
And the dilemma that it presents for Washington.

Is India Preparing to Allow the Taliban Regime Diplomatic Representation in New Delhi?
By Sudha Ramachandran
Last week, Afghan diplomats aligned with the Ashraf Ghani government announced the ceasing of operations in the Afghan embassy in the Indian capital.

Hobson’s Choice for India in Taliban-Held Afghanistan
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
When it comes the question of engaging with the Taliban, New Delhi favors a cautious middle path.

Afghan Students Are Unable to Resume Studies in Indian Universities
By Tarushi Aswani
Many students who returned to Afghanistan during the pandemic lockdowns have been denied Indian visas.

India Makes Its Relationship With the Taliban Regime More Official
By Sudha Ramachandran
Indian and Taliban officials are reported to have discussed diplomatic relations during a recent meeting in Kabul.

Don’t Overhype India’s Kashmir Security Problem
By Rajeev Agarwal
The threat in Kashmir pales in comparison to the 1990s – and India is in a much stronger position as well.

Can India Engage With the Taliban?
By Mohamed Zeeshan
While domestic politics and moral compulsions pull India away from the Taliban, its strategic interests will push it to engage with the new government in Kabul.
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